
Come on – join the FUN microcar club!


If you like what you see on our website and would like to join us (you don’t have to own a microcar to be a Maniac), then please follow the instructions below.


Membership fees are shown below, payment can be made by cheque or PayPal.


  • UK Membership 12 months for Standard Annual Membership £12
  • UK Membership 18 months for Members joining after 1st July £18
  • Overseas Membership 12 months for Standard Annual Membership £19


Our membership year runs from January to December.


To show why we are the ‘Max Fun Min Cost Club’ if joining after 1st July, we are pleased to offer a special rate of £18 for an 18-month subscription.


Members joining after our last rally of the season (usually mid-October) will have their standard membership of £12 carried over to the following year with no extra fee.


Download and complete the Membership Application Form and post it with your cheque.

When joining or renewing your membership online please take a moment to review our GDPR statement here or on the reverse of your Membership Application Form or Renewal Notice.

It is easy to join online using PayPal, download and complete the Membership Application Form, email or post this to our Membership Secretary then click on the PayPal link below to make your payment. You don’t need to have a PayPal account to make a payment.


Payments are accepted from all major credit and debit cards via the PayPal system.  You do not need to have a PayPal account.


Select UK (12 or 18 months)
or Overseas Membership

Membership number (for renewals)



If renewing using PayPal it helps our Membership Secretary if you can type in your membership number in the space provided, however this is not mandatory.  Your Membership number is printed on the address label of each copy of ‘The Magniac’ and on all renewal notices.


Throughout the year you’ll receive 6 issues of the Club’s bi-monthly magazine The Magniac.


A Micro Maniacs Club Membership Sticker is also included together with lots of opportunities to join in the fun at rallies, road runs and informal weekend events and get-togethers.


You can get more information or join by contacting Tony Roddis our Membership Secretary as follows:


Note: if you do not have the function to download/read/amend Word documents please email or phone Tony who will put a hard copy in the post.


A copy of the Club Constitution can be downloaded here.


Go on – you know you want to join!